Log into Slack
To log on to Slack, first open your dashboard at cogologin.com. Select the Slack option on your dashboard either by finding it on your dashboard or by searching in the box at the top.
![Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 11 42 09 AM](https://media.git.cogolo.net/user/947/files/3ce4acbb-01ad-44a8-b56d-a8180600bfb7)
It will ask you to review and accept their terms of service. Click on the green I Agree button in the bottom.
![Screen Shot 2021-12-14 at 2 58 16 PM](https://media.git.cogolo.net/user/947/files/388605f4-4c43-4d0c-a33d-b3f28ae0aabe)
Next you will be logged into Slack. It will look something like this. Click on the search bar on the top.
![Screen Shot 2021-12-14 at 2 58 46 PM](https://media.git.cogolo.net/user/947/files/411a031b-69e8-432f-94f8-7e9a413090e3)
Now Slack can be used for many things, sending work messages to people, making posts in channels, and even voice communication is possible. The search bar at the top is very useful. It can search for users, channels, and even messages! This guide's pictures use the ask-support channel as an example but it has since been retired. Try searching for cogolabs and selecting that channel instead.
![Screen Shot 2021-12-14 at 2 59 01 PM](https://media.git.cogolo.net/user/947/files/28ca429e-bef7-4368-9e19-58989b85d5d2)
Click on the cogolabs option and you will be faced with a screen like this. Click on the green Join Channel button to join the channel.
![Screen Shot 2021-12-14 at 2 59 14 PM](https://media.git.cogolo.net/user/947/files/29ef7742-53ac-46f6-9601-0043d69fef71)
Now you have successfully joined the channel! Slack offers a lot of great functionality and to help fully understand it they made a great quick start guide to Slack. Take a look at that here. That is just the tip of the iceberg though! If you want to learn more about Slack you can find more guides here.